mrs-roboto's Diaryland Diary


The Weekend In A Nutshell

The weekend was busy in that productive way that leaves you wondering where the time went.

Friday night we met Judy and Jiri for happy hour at Hatties followed by dinner at Thaiku. This is becoming quite a regular thing for us and can I just gush about how wonderful they are for a moment? They truly are great people and I consider myself very lucky to have them as my neighbors. Things that make them wonderful:

1) they are thoughtful and generous
2) they took my dog on a hike Saturday when I was bogged down with work and thus eased my guilt about my responsibilities as a pet owner
3) they never scream at one another in public the way my other neighbors do
4) they have lots of power tools that they don't mind sharing
5) they have the cutest puppy who comes over into my yard and knocks at my back door in order to get my dog to come out and play with him.

And there are a million other reasons too but those are just a few.

Saturday was spent hunting down fur floor boards to replace the damaged ones in the living room. Pete and I hit the every salvage place about town trying to locate the proper boards for the job. As the floor was put in in 1909, it's hard to find a good match. Eventually, we found what we were looking for and headed home to the Money Pit. The old boards were removed and despite Pete's repeated warnings, I managed to fall through the hole not once but twice. I'm smooth like that. The first time I was carrying a big cup of coffee and barely manage to get away without scalding myself thus necessitating a trip to the hospital. The second time Pete had to hoist me up at of the hole by putting his hands under my armpits and giving a big heave ho. I felt just like Baby Jessica when they pulled her from the well. After that, I stayed away from the living room.

Saturday night was the Neko Case show. As much as I love Neko, I was blown away by Kelly Hogan who performed along side the redheaded songstress (as did Carolyn Mark who was brilliant too). One of the nicer things about this show was that the performers are so true and tangible. So many musicians feel like a polished and photoshopped product but these ladies are the real deal. No rock star image bullshit, just straight up talent. Sadly, the show was at EMP's Skychurch, a venue I despise for it's corporate feel and sterile flavor. They actually fence off the drinkers in corral like areas where stage visibility is nil. Oh, and they have these cheesy ass graphics that they flash up on the screen behind the performers which just drives me batty. For example, if the ladies were singing a torch song there'd be flames or raindrops for a sad song. At one point there were these freaky geometric patterns floating about ala Timothy Leary. Come on now, this is a hootenanny (by the way does anyone know the origin of this word - just wondering) not a Phish show. The ladies themselves looked a bit uncomfortable in their surroundings. I think they'd be more comfortable playing in a bar with some sawdust on the floor and a mechanical bull in the corner. Unfortunately, I never ran into RDG and Monkeybar. I later found out that they were dead center stage right next to Neko whereas I had found a comfortable place right behind Tall Guy. Some girls have all the luck. Overall, I have to say the show was a nice way to close out Women's History Month.

Sunday the fabulous and talented Itzie dropped by to help me plan out a landscape design. How lucky am I to have friends who are willing to give up their free time to help me with something I find so overwhelming? Very lucky, I must say. I'll be the first to admit it, I have no vision when it comes to gardening. A friend bought me a book called Anyone Can Landscape but if you look real closely there is some fine print and it reads "(except Mrs-Roboto)". I had been feeling thoroughly overwhelmed at the thought of making the front yard look presentable but Itzie instilled a great deal of confidence in me that it can be done. On top of which, she volunteered to help with the physical labor. How much does she rock? Hopefully, I'll have a picture or two to share later this Spring.

The afternoon was spent trying not to fall in the hole in the floor and enjoying the balmy (read: 60 degree) weather followed by a candlelight vigil for peace up on the Hill. Having never attended a vigil before, I wasn't certain what would be proper attire for the event. I selected a cute pair of vintage plaid capri pants and my new sandles. I almost wore the sparkly scarf but I thought that might be a bit much for such an occasion. Okay, so a piece of fashion advice for those heading off to protest the war, jeans and a T-shirt will apparently do just fine. No need to glam up. The other thing about vigils is that most people who are there will want to talk politics. Luckily my group of friends wanted to talk about crushes and where cute, straight boys hang out. The highlight of the vigil was probably when Birdgryl loudly proclaimed her love for sexual music to our fellow protesters. There is some background to this story but it's complicated and I'd rather not get into it. Despite our less than somber mood (Pete described the vigil as socializing with candles), it felt great to get out and not be apathetic. I am against this war and I do take my quite stance seriously (as I know my friends do) but I think it's okay to enjoy the company of those around you as well, especially when you are all coming together for a cause you feel strongly about. Don't you agree?

In the end, though it was a busy weekend, it was one where I felt very thankful for all the great people who are in my life and all the wonderful things I have to look forward to. I now return you to our regularly scheduled sarcasm.

12:48 p.m. - 2003-03-31


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